3rd times the charm! Took me awhile, but I finally got a 3rd issue of Abandon Ship out the door.
If you haven’t read the back issues (quite likely, as they’re almost completely out of print) don’t worry, it’s really not a sequential series. No need to go out questing for older volumes. I don’t get to work on the series as often as I’d like, so each of the issues has been vastly different. Abandon Ship started off as a collection of random drawings from my sketchbooks, but has evolved into something else.
This issue features an illustrated essay about being black and having hair that I wrote a few years back for a zine reading. I’ve been wanting to get it down in print form for awhile, and I’m excited for it to finally have a home. I’ve also got a couple of comics for you in this issue, one about crazy dreams I had when I quit smoking (something I did in 2017), and the other covers some helpful ways to avoid being ensnared by art collectives.